If you have ever owned your own website or considered it, you have probably asked the questions, “What happens if I change vendors? Do I get to keep my website?” We have heard these questions many times from frustrated small businesses who have been burned before by other less reputable companies. There are plenty of freelancers and web development companies who hang their hat on managing your website and making it difficult to leave. At Absolute, we made a decision from the beginning that if you pay us to create your website it belongs to you. You should be able to take it wherever you choose and manage it the way you see fit.
Our goal is to create long-term, beneficial relationships with our clients. We never viewed our Creative Services as a “one-and-done” kind of service. This is the heart behind why we choose to use the WordPress CMS for website and web app development.
Did You Know?
WordPress powers approximately 30% of the website at any given moment. Here are just a few examples of popular websites powered by WordPress.
- Tech Crunch https://techcrunch.com/
- BBC America http://www.bbcamerica.com/
- Bloomberg https://www.bloomberg.com/professional/
- Variety http://variety.com/
- Sweden (yes the country) https://sweden.se/
- Microsoft News https://news.microsoft.com/
- And The Walt Disney Company https://thewaltdisneycompany.com/
A Long-Term Relationship with YOU
The website relationship is built on trust. You need to know that if things change you won’t lose your first most visible touching point with your clients. By using WordPress we open up a whole community of people who can help you get your website up and running if worst comes to worst.
The WordPress Content Management System is maintained and kept up-to-date using that same community that numbers in the millions of developers who have an active role in making sure it is the best CMS possible. This allows us to focus on your business and how to get you found online versus spending our time and your budget on maintaining a custom CMS. This also means that your website will cost less to maintain.
Editing…The Power is YOURS!
The final reason we continue to choose the WordPress CMS is the introduction of the Cornerstone page editor. This editor combines content entry and page layout in such an easy-to-use format that it made it possible for us to build web pages more efficiently and made it possible for you to easily contribute to the website design in a dynamic way without you feeling locked into a particular layout. You will have the ability and opportunity to participate not only in the content creation, your messaging, but the way it is presented on the site to your audience.
Ok, I’m convinced! Let’s get started!
Congratulations! You made it to the end of this article. We knew you could do it!
Absolute offers entry-level packages* with small monthly payment options that produce high quality, feature-rich websites that are better maintained than most in our opinion…but it’s true. We also offer custom websites for those requiring more tailored options and extra features.
All you have to do is fill out the form below to get started
[contact-form-7 id=”1572″ title=”Longview Web Design Form”]*Package Sites requires a 1yr minimum contract. Additional details and stipulations apply to package sites.
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