It is no secret that Absolute Technology Solution’s employees are also CrossFit junkies… most of us. The changes that having CrossFit being part of the daily routine, we are more focused and have great friendly competition in the office. Currently, there is some added incentive to our friendly competition and that is a week all expense paid trip to Cancun.
The competition is simple. We weigh in using a BMI measurement followed by our best efforts on 12 workouts. After 3 months or about 10 weeks. We will retest our BMI and then randomly draw 6 of the 12 workouts and retest them. Points are determined by most improved. So you might perform worse than someone but if you shaved 2 minutes off of your 1000k row then you would probably be the most improved in that category. You also will receive a percentage of points based off of your change in BMI. The less BMI the better.
Why do all of this? Why encourage an entire office of IT professionals and creative developers to push themselves physically? Well despite us being pit against one another we actually are becoming much closer as a team. Also, it adds a level of fun to the office that is not normally seen in companies like ours.
Take this exchange that happened just this morning.
With all of that, the overall result is that we are more alert in our jobs, we are incredibly thankful to our employer Daniel Knight, because of our increased health we provide a better service and attitude. There is a reason why Absolute Technology Solutions is the best IT and Creative Department in Longview, Tyler, and the East Texas area. It’s because we are pushing ourselves to improve in every way. We would love the opportunity to do this for your business IT solutions and your creative marketing efforts.
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