An article that we published about a year ago talks about how backups are important, and are a necessity in the business world. While backups are great to have, they are only good if the data on them is sound. Here are some things to consider regarding your backups.
Backup Types
Knowing what type of backups you have goes a long way in determining how your data will be restored. Are you backing up to a USB drive? Perhaps you are totally cloud based when it comes to your backup scheme, or maybe you have a hybrid system (local and cloud)?
The reason why it is important to know is that each backup method requires a different plan in terms of restoration time. For example, if you are totally cloud, you will have to pull your data down over the internet to your computer. Depending on how fast your internet service is, this could take hours, even days. If you have a bunch of users wondering when the file(s) will be restored, this helps to set expectations on when it will be ready.
Backup Integrity
The next thing to consider is, can you restore your data at all? A backup schedule can run without errors for weeks and months, but if you cannot restore the data, that system is worthless. Periodic restoration of data, from critical systems, is a good practice to employ. A good time to schedule such an event would be during a disaster recovery exercise. If your backups are showing errors in the logs, those need to be addressed immediately.
Need to Explore More?
If this article has left you wondering if your backups are working, or good at all, now is a good time to explore this further. Absolute Technology Solutions are experts in backup systems, and disaster recovery. Call us today so we can help.
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